For English readers: This is a post devoted to an online magazine that I’ve been contributing to. Its name, if directly translated, should be <Book Reviews in the Digital Age>, and this month we have the 5th issue. This is a magazine for understanding theories, trends and practices in communications in the digital age. Its dozen editors/writers are spreaded all over the world so they are introducing lots of the most-up-to-date books and readings to China. I joined the team earlier this year and learnt a lot from my fellow editors there. If you read Chinese and is a digital professional, it would be a great resource for you to understand the Chinese perspective towards the online world.
- PDF格式:
- epud格式(iPad):
- 记住忘记——评《删除:数字时代中遗忘的好处》
- 意见要不要交换——评《信息乌托邦》
- 白人男人死人的板砖大会
- 远观与亵玩——读《技术复制时代的艺术品》
- REMIX: 第三章:“扩张的只读”
- 别害怕,新的总会变旧
- 当1984遇到美丽新世界——赛博时代的《娱乐至死》:《网民的狂欢》
- 过度使用搜索会损害你的智商? ——读《浅薄:互联网如何毒化了我们的大脑》
- 从概念到真实:SNS的形式蜕变——读《正在爆发的互联网革命》
- 如何研究互联网帝国
- 烈火中永生
- 2010移动市场回顾
- 解读苹果软件生态环境:从MAC到IPHONE到IPAD ——来自DISTIMO的调研
- 《数字时代阅读报告》创刊号下载地址:
- 《数字时代阅读报告》第二期下载地址:
- 《数字时代阅读报告》第三期下载地址:
- 《数字时代阅读报告》第四期下载地址: